Grant Programme

Applications will be taken all year round and assessed on a rolling basis. It is expected that the turnaround time for a successful application from submission to funding will be around 3 months.

Grant Criteria

The trustees will make discretionary grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 where they believe that their contribution will make a real difference to suicide awareness or prevention.


Applications will only be considered from charities, including CIOs, and Community Interest Companies limited by guarantee registered in the United Kingdom.

Organisational Size

Applications from smaller charities are particularly encouraged. Charities with income of more than £1 million, or with unrestricted reserves of more than 12 months, are unlikely to be successful.

Grant Purposes

We will only fund suicide awareness and prevention programmes run for charitable purposes. Applications can include full cost recovery. Applications for core costs may be considered to the extent that the mission of the applicant organisation meets our grant criteria.

Priority will be given to innovative projects.

How to Apply

First Round Application

Please send a brief memo (no more than 2 sides of A4 in font of 11 or larger) to detailing the following:

  • Charity Name, Number & Address

  • Contact details of applicant

  • Charity Overview including the stated aims and objectives of your organisation, website address, number of staff and volunteers employed and the number of beneficiaries

  • Confirmation (if applicable) that your organisation has a child protection policy in place

  • Confirmation that your organisation has public liability insurance in place

  • Forecast income & expenditure for current financial year

  • Project Details: Please provide a summary of the project you are requesting a grant for, detailing how the project will make a difference to the recipients and how will you measure the outcomes

Please also attach your latest set of audited/examined financial accounts.

Applications are normally notified within two months whether the application has been short-listed for the second round.

Second Round Application

Applicants will be contacted directly by the grants team to discuss additional information requirements. Depending on the size of the grant, this may involve an assessment visit or video call from one of the trustees.